Abtrac Blog

Tips and advice on running a professional service business along with help for those looking for a solution to their project management problems.

Abtrac 25yrs Feature image

Abtrac at 25: A look back at our history

As we celebrate our birthday, here’s a look back at how our project tracking software has evolved over the past 25 years — ...
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Is Your Business Throwing Away Money,  Rekeying Data?

In any business, the ability to efficiently collect and analyse data is acknowledged as key to its...

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The secret to increased productivity and profitability [Infographic]

When employee engagement is lacking, more often than not it is the work systems that are at fault,...

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Are your business management systems state of the art or creaky wrecks?

Heritage is always a tricky subject in modern cities, with one person’s culturally significant...

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Top 30 Christmas gifts for employees

Your dedicated staff play a major role in the success of your business. And good employers reward...

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There's nothing to fear in changing your time and cost software

If you're a time based billing professional like an architect, land surveyor, cost estimator or...

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VIDEO: Fast invoicing is the key to getting paid quicker

When a business has the ability to get invoices out the door quicker, they give themselves every...

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How to manage your Business Advisors

Abtrac CEO Edward O’Leary gives his thoughts on How to Manage Business Advisors

Someone called into...

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It’s About Time Things Got Easy

Businesses work hard; way too hard, ensuring their administration work is spotless. So much so that...

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7 reasons why Abtrac is the best WorkflowMax alternative

Back in June 2024 Xero retired it's association with WorkflowMax, and users were forced to get a...

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5 Ways Job Management Software Eases Your Load

Implementing robust job management software like Abtrac can revolutionise the way you run your...

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VIDEO: How to implement a business management strategy

Where do you want to go as a business? This is a question a lot of businesses can answer instantly....

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VIDEO: The importance of timesheets

Businesses running spreadsheet timesheets may be running hundreds of standalone databases. Here's...

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VIDEO: Time is your greatest asset. But, it's leaking

Seconds really do count in business. But many don't treat it that way. It's crucial for a business...

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VIDEO: Why Abtrac? I'll tell you why...

We don't brag much, but on just this occasion, we'll be taking you through how Abtrac saves our...

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VIDEO: Why using outdated systems is bad for business

Sounds dramatic, but it really can be catastrophic for business. Duplicate data entry points, low...

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VIDEO: How your business can soar with good reporting

Your business won't survive without good reporting. It may sound harsh but it truly is the...

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What Surveyors Need in Their Project Management Software

Are you a surveyor looking to streamline your project management process?

How is your surveying...

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You’re an expert in your field. Become one at managing people too

You are an expert in your industry, respected by your peers and appreciated by your clients. Large...

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Top 25 Powerful & Inspiring Quotes For Business Owners

As a business owner you'll experience a lot of highs and lows. Whether you're just getting your...

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3 Issues Facing Professional Services Firms and How to Overcome Them

It’s easy to count inventory and track sales when you’re making or selling items of stock. How do...

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Never Miss a Billable Minute with Abtrac's Employee Timesheet App

Enhance your productivity and efficiency with the Abtrac Timesheet app, providing a seamless...

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Password Security Tips

There is a trade off between choosing a complex secure password – and choosing a password that you...

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Time Management  -  Is Your Business Losing Time?

Talking with a prospective client, a director’s big concern was they were writing off too much...

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Engineers - Get the most out of your KPIs

"Perhaps now more than ever, you need to start keeping a close eye on your KPIs".

An activity...

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What makes our job management software different?

As you already know, Abtrac is a cloud based job management software package used by professionals...

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Abtrac at 25: A look back at our history

As we celebrate our birthday, here’s a look back at how our project tracking software has evolved...

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5 Reasons People Choose the Wrong Project Management Software

Choosing the right Project Management, Timesheet and Invoicing Software for your business is a big...

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Hiring the right person for your business

No matter whether you're a design firm, land surveyors or an accounting practice, choosing the...

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Time Managers or Time Travellers?

In retail everyone knows that stock is important. Each item is logged into a system as it is...

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5 Things to Expect from Your Business Advisor

There used to be a TV ad with a pumpkin farmer leaning on his Ute talking with his business...

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Managing in the information age

Abtrac CEO Edward O’Leary gives his experienced thoughts on managing in the information age.


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5 Reasons why it's time to replace your Excel timesheet

We live in the 21st century and people still are using Excel timesheets!

These are the same people...

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What your brand colour says about your business

Show your true colours! Why you should care about your branding colours.

Believe it or not but...

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Managing Employee Resistance In A Professional Services Firm

Edward O’Leary, Abtrac CEO considers how many professional services firms could future proof their...

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7 Things to Expect in your Project Management, Time & Cost Software

You have grown your business and you are looking for a project management software package that...

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Top 10 business books every manager should read

What does it take to become a successful leader?

How do you manage, motivate and gain the respect...

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Will robots and automation take my job?

A friend sent me an email with a URL, “You have to look at this", he wrote. ...

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Business Management in your Professional Services Firm

Like people, companies of all sizes come and go. The ones that live the longest actively work on...

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5 Things to Help You Focus on Business Management

You’ll be hard put to find a news site today that doesn’t have a bad forecast for the global...

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Does 'heritage' constrain good business management?

If you wouldn't mind, we would like to take a second of your day to consider office systems ... we...

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Simple, smart tips to generate more profit

Let's face it, you're in business to make money. If you’re not getting through the work at hand nor...

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Employee time clock - don't miss another billable minute!

Managing billable time is one of the core elements of any professional services business.

So how do...

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How to Succeed in Business Management

Business Management is all about knowing where you’re going and what’s going on right now.  Are you...

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Top 5 tips for hosting effective meetings

We have all been to those meetings that were a complete waste of time... And not to mention those...

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Top 4 ways to increase productivity at work

Here are some great tips to increase productivity at work.

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Survey Results: Architects, Engineers & Surveyors routinely writing off 25% of billable time

What if you could get your invoices out within 3 days of month-end instead of 3 weeks, and with a...

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Managing Your Professional Services Firm

In your professional services business, putting in place and using measures to make sure you are...

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Time really is Money

Do some sums around your professional services office. Multiply everyone’s charge rate by the hours...

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Maybe The Best Management Advice You’ll Ever Receive

Running a business can be hard. You always have to remember it’s your business. If you’re taking...

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Successful business management: Project planning and management

Every growing business gets to a stage where directors and managers get the feeling they’re ever so...

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A real success story of linking Abtrac with Xero

As part of our research for this article, we called several of our Xero users in New Zealand and...

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Edward O’Leary, Abtrac CEO considers how many white collar professional services firms could make...

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5 big marketing tips for small businesses with limited budgets

Don't have mega bucks to spend on marketing? Never fear, our marketing tips for small businesses...

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Engineering project management software your business can't do without

Why do we say Abtrac is the package to manage your professional engineering business?

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MYOB Add ons: Abtrac's Job Management Software & the MYOB API

You won’t find every supplier of Job Management Software flagged as “Certified” in the MYOB add ons...

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7 Tips to Manage Your Business Through the Global Recession

How to steer your way through the Covid-19 recession.

At this stage we can only imagine what a...

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AI News: Should we fear it or the people who manage it?

Prompted by an article from Anurag Harsh.Many believe that technology is diminishing our...

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Architects & Engineers, are you Missing Out?

Are you frustrated by your month end invoicing routine?Is your invoice processing vulnerable to...

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Fighting the Middle-Aged Spread

Some people get to a certain age and one day they look in the mirror, or maybe they try on their...

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Timesheets are Your Friend

Timesheets are a digitised record of your life at work. Your own human memory simply isn’t up to...

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Do you want business growth in 2022? We have found the solution.

As the financial markets take another dive, the focus is once again on how to make sure your...

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Best employee gift ideas this Covid Christmas

2020 and 2021 have been the strangest years of our existence. It has flipped everything as we know...

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How the complete professional deals with difficult clients

Regardless of what kind of clients your business has, providing an excellent client experience is...

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Moving along with the times - Cloud Time Management Software

“Yes I remember now. Software didn’t always use to be in the cloud; that’s right. How funny it...

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Time is STILL Money

Time Management and Invoicing for Professional Services Firms

The truth is, everybody comes to work...

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The most important things in business management

Everybody knows where you’re most likely to be told “Say ahhhhh”. For a routine medical check-up...

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Now’s the Time to Become the Best Business Manager You Can Be

For Planners, Surveyors, Consulting Engineers, Designers, Architects, Cost Estimators, PR Agencies...

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Top 6 working from home tips

I know what you're thinking, working from home is the ultimate! No boss to look over your shoulder....

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Pricing: Abtrac vs Other Software

We believe that every business subscribing to Abtrac job management software is entitled to access...

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How often should I run a backup?

Have you ever had a panic phone call from a friend or college saying that their computer has died...

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Five-Part Business Management Video Series

In our short 4 minute videos we will cover, your
• Strategy    • Processes   • Plans   
• Knowing your numbers   • How getting better never stops

Take control and manage your business better.

Watch the series