5 Ways Job Management Software Eases Your Load


Implementing robust job management software like Abtrac can revolutionise the way you run your business.

By leveraging the capabilities of job management software like Abtrac, you can transform your business operations, increase efficiency, and boost your bottom line.

We all know time equals money, so imagine the potential revenue your business might be missing out on – a staggering 30% annually!*

That's a substantial amount of money slipping through your fingers, and a heavy load to carry each year.

What can you do about it? 

Modern job management is about making your business time count, not just counting it. 

With each person spends approximately 500 minutes at work daily, the focus is on maximising the value of every business moment.

The solution lies in an all-encompassing Project Management System that allows you to oversee every facet of your projects, time and expenses, staff, and invoicing from any location.

Here are our top 5 reasons a job management software package like Abtrac can benefit your business:


 1. No more double entry

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It's time to say goodbye to those outdated spreadsheets and endless paperwork. With a comprehensive job management software like Abtrac, you'll be streamlining your business processes and saving countless hours of administrative work.

Abtrac puts all your customer details, projects, tasks, timesheet, and invoices at your fingertips in one accessible system.

Choose a system that seamlessly integrates with your accounting software to eliminate double data entry for good.



2. Manage jobs from anywhere

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We all know managing time can at times be difficult, especially when businesses are continuing to operate with some of their staff continue to work from home. It's so easy to have interruptions and distractions, then forget how much time has been actually spent. Or worse still, forget to note down the time spent against a job altogether.

That's why a job management software like Abtrac is so crucial in good business management. You and your staff have the ability to enter time, anywhere, ensuring accurate time tracking against projects and eliminating missing any billable time.  The Abtrac timesheets mobile app enhances the convenience of time entry, allowing you to easily track your hours from any location.



3. Stay on top of all aspects of your projects

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The more you know about each project, the better you can manage it!

Plan ahead, schedule your time and track your teams' progress and resources. To get the most for your business and employees, make sure you choose a system where you cannot only plan your project with estimates of time and costs but can also track time and costs for each job as it progresses. Having the ability to forecast cash flow is an integral part of job management and with the power to plan your resources for individual projects as well as across the whole office, means you're always on top of each element.

Break your jobs down into more manageable tasks or stages or phases to complete within a project and schedule work for more efficient time management.



4. Take the headache out of month end

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Having an all-in-one system like Abtrac that enables you to easily create, send and track your personalised invoices meaning the end of the month just became a whole lot more efficient.

Bulk billing? Recurring invoices? No worries!

Select a software package where you have the capability to generate invoices based on job estimates, stage fees, or actual data. Have the flexibility to invoice by stage, lump sum, progress claim or hourly rate. Include variations with disbursements, sub-consultants, details or supplements depending on what you and your clients need.



5. Revealing reports your business can't do without

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With a good job management software system you can effortlessly turn data into valuable business reports to review business trends, productivity, write ons / offs and much more to maximise your business profitability.

Report on up to the minute information such as;

  • Actual vs Budget by project.
  • Work in Progress.
  • Revenue and profitability by job type.
  • Manage each project stage or by employee and more.
  • Real-time write on/off reports by project, office, project manager, employee or invoice.
  • Quickly see what has to be billed to whom, when and for how much.
  • Manage employee productivity and hours worked.

Because you have better things to do with your time than working on repetitive time-consuming tasks, our aim at Abtrac is to ensure your business runs more smoothly, automating common business chores and easing the load you have to carry.

Please contact us to learn more. Or start your 30-day free trial to see for yourself how Abtrac can help generate more profit from your business.

Compare Project Management Software 

*30% sounds too good to be true right? We have received emails from multiple of our new sign-ups saying how they didn't realise how much money they were wasting by not managing their jobs/projects better. We asked them what they think they have gained by using Abtrac and 30% is the average increase in revenue in their first year of using Abtrac. Feel free to ask any of our referrals on our website about their experiences with Abtrac.


Five-Part Business Management Video Series

In our short 4 minute videos we will cover, your
• Strategy    • Processes   • Plans   
• Knowing your numbers   • How getting better never stops

Take control and manage your business better.

Watch the series