Abtrac Blog - Edward O’Leary

Tips and advice on running a professional service business along with help for those looking for a solution to their project management problems.

Edward O’Leary

Ed is the CEO and Founder of Abtrac. He’s passionate about helping professional service businesses streamline their processes and achieve a stronger bottom line.

3 Issues Facing Professional Services Firms and How to Overcome Them

It’s easy to count inventory and track sales when you’re making or selling items of stock. How do...

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Time Management  -  Is Your Business Losing Time?

Talking with a prospective client, a director’s big concern was they were writing off too much...

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VIDEO: How to implement a business management strategy

Where do you want to go as a business? This is a question a lot of businesses can answer instantly....

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VIDEO: Time is your greatest asset. But, it's leaking

Seconds really do count in business. But many don't treat it that way. It's crucial for a business...

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5 Things to Expect from Your Business Advisor

There used to be a TV ad with a pumpkin farmer leaning on his Ute talking with his business...

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Managing in the information age

Abtrac CEO Edward O’Leary gives his experienced thoughts on managing in the information age.


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Managing Employee Resistance In A Professional Services Firm

Edward O’Leary, Abtrac CEO considers how many professional services firms could future proof their...

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How to manage your Business Advisors

Abtrac CEO Edward O’Leary gives his thoughts on How to Manage Business Advisors

Someone called into...

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Will robots and automation take my job?

A friend sent me an email with a URL, “You have to look at this", he wrote. ...

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Five-Part Business Management Video Series

In our short 4 minute videos we will cover, your
• Strategy    • Processes   • Plans   
• Knowing your numbers   • How getting better never stops

Take control and manage your business better.

Watch the series