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Abtrac Times : April Issue

This is the place for Abtrac clients to stay up to date with the latest features, news and insights.
Will - Senior UIUX Developer

Will O'Leary
Senior UX/UI Developer


In this issue of Abtrac Times discover eInvoicing with Abtrac, designed to streamline payment processes.

We also showcase how to create timesheet templates and replicate weekly events. And we take a look at using custom fields for job and invoice data.



Reduce errors and delays with Abtrac eInvoicing

With eInvoicing you can share invoices directly with your clients' financial systems. It improves accuracy and security, reduces process time and speeds up payments.

eInvoicing is currently available as an optional add-on module for Abtrac Australian and New Zealand subscriptions.

This feature enables you to seamlessly send electronic invoices to your client's accounting software through a secure network.

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Job user defined fields

Custom fields for job and invoice data

In Abtrac, you have the ability to customize additional fields within each job or project known as 'User Defined Fields'. These fields allow you to tailor key data points for job tracking purposes.

You can incorporate these fields in Clients and Jobs Search and include them as additional texts in your invoices.


Create timesheet templates and replicate weekly events

This feature allows employees who work on the same things from one week to the next to effortlessly replicate their previous entries, saving valuable time.

By creating timesheet templates in Abtrac, team members can clone timesheets with weekly events that are often repeated.

You can optionally copy the units and comments of the cloned timesheet, so make sure you remove the ticks for cloning the comments if you do not want them in the new timesheet.

We recommend using cloning along with the system setting of removing zero units when timesheets are committed.

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